Our Mission: To inspire students to have college aspirations along with the academic skills and work ethic necessary to succeed.


East Austin College Prep is an innovative, tuition-free* public school open to Pre-K – 12th graders in Austin and surrounding areas. EAPrep is the realization of a long-standing dream to have a community school located right in the heart of the Govalle/Johnston Terrace neighborhood. Come take a tour and see for yourself how every one of our students are dreaming big and preparing to succeed in high school and college.

Click Here to Join Our Team

We are currently accepting new student applications for the 2023-2024 school year for grades PreK through 12th Grade. Seats are filling up quickly, so don't delay!

We invite you to fill out the existing student re-enrollment application for our elementary or secondary campus to ensure your student continues learning at East Austin College Prep! 

Ahora inscribiéndose!

Actualmente estamos aceptando solicitudes para el año escolar 2023-2024 para grados Pre-K a 12 Grado.

¡Lo invitamos a completar la solicitud de reinscripción de estudiantes existente para nuestro campus de primaria o secundaria para garantizar que su estudiante continúe aprendiendo en East Austin College Prep!

Family Engagement:
Family Engagement Policy EACP Elementary 
Family Engagement Policy EACP Secondary

Click here to view the Wellness Policy

Please visit our valued partners in education listed below. Without these partnerships, East Austin College Prep students and families would not receive the needed resources that benefit the entire student socially and emotionally. 

ACE Logo      Austin Sound Waves

This is the image for the news article titled Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Posted on 04/11/2018
This is the image for the news article titled Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Posted on 04/11/2018
This is the image for the news article titled Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Student Dress Code for 2023-2024 Updated
Posted on 04/11/2018



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