School Board meetings are held monthly unless otherwise noted. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Promesa Public Schools Board Members:
George Cantu
Cristella Garcia
James Farfaglia
Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Salvador Cavazos
Click on the Boardbook button to access all current board meeting agendas

Public Comment Guidelines
Members of the community are invited to address the Promesa Public Schools Board of Trustees during the public comment period at regularly scheduled board meetings. The board follows these guidelines which set a reasonable limit on the number, frequency and length of presentations during the public comment period.
1. Speakers are assigned in order on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like to make a public comment during an Promesa Public Schools board meeting, please sign in to do so at least one hour before the start of the meeting. Sign-in sheets will be available at the front desk of each campus (6002 Jain Lane and 5800 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.) beginning 72 hours prior to the start of the meeting.
2. When signing up to speak, each person must provide the following information: name, address, telephone number, the subject to be addressed and, if applicable, the group or organization the person represents. An individual may not sign up for another person or exchange or yield time to persons who have not signed up to speak.
3. Each speaker limited to 2 minutes.
4. 20 minutes will be allocated at the beginning of each meeting for public comment. Additional time may be allocated at the end of the meeting at the discretion of the board chair.
5. Any discussion regarding a subject that has not been included on the notice for the meeting must be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a future meeting.
Public Complaints
Promesa Public Schools strives to provide superior service to all students, parents, and employees as well as the general public. However, we recognize that at times someone may find it necessary to lodge a complaint with Promesa Public Schools. We have created the following complaint procedure for members of the general public. Please note that students, their parents and employees should review their respective guidebooks to determine how to file complaints with Promesa Public Schools.
Step 1 – Raise Concern or Complaint with Principal. If you have a complaint about your school, you should discuss the complaint with the school’s principal as soon as possible. The longer you wait to make a complaint, the harder it will be for Promesa Public Schools to investigate or otherwise address your complaint. The principal will take the steps he or she finds necessary to address your complaint in a timely and adequate fashion.
Step 2 – File Formal, Written Complaint with Superintendent of Schools. If your complaint is not resolved by the principal, you may file a formal, written complaint with the superintendent of schools. The complaint must be filed within ten school days of your most recent contact with your school's principal about the issue. Written complaints must be specific and, if possible, suggest a resolution. The superintendent will attempt to respond, in writing, within 15 school days of receipt of a written complaint.
Step 3 – File Formal, Written Complaint with Promesa Public Schools Board Chair. If your complaint is not resolved by the superintendent of schools, you may file a written complaint with the Promesa Public Schools Board Chair. The complaint must be filed within ten school days of the superintendent’s decision or within 30 days of the date you filed the complaint with the superintendent, whichever is earlier.
The board chair will provide a copy of the complaint record to all members of the board as well as the superintendent of schools at the next regular meeting of the board of trustees. Any action of the board of trustees regarding the complaint shall be taken in compliance with the Open Meetings Act. The failure of the board of trustees to act on a complaint has the effect of upholding the superintendent’s decision.
19 TEX. ADMIN CODE § 100.1033(c)(6)(C).